Free Bus Travel for Asylum Seekers

In partnership with other organisations SFAR participated in the campaign t provide all asylum seekers in Scotland with access to free bus travel. Currently people in the asylum system can be entitled to as little as £8.86 per week. When the cost of a Glasgow First bus day ticket is £5.60, the reality is that travel is simply unaffordable for most asylum seekers.

Free travel would allow people attend appointments, connect with faith groups, and gain new freedom. This policy would be transformational, significantly improving the welling and mental health of people waiting on their asylum claims being heard. SFAR organised for the Scottish Religious Leaders Forum to write a statement in support of the policy and support local groups to engage in advocacy.

And this resulted in success. In October 2023 proposal was debated in the Sottish parliament, with the Religious leader’s statement was cited multiple times as evidence for the widespread support of the policy. Later that year the Scottish Government accepted the proposal and budgeted £2 million to implementing it.

We have continue to use our voice to both than the Scottish Government for committing to this policy, but also ask for status updates to confirm that the policy is being developed. We are looking forward to the day when all asylum seekers in Scotland can travel freely.